Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying to work.
Por favor, não faças tanto barulho. Estou a tentar trabalhar.
I was just trying to protect you.
Só estava a tentar proteger-te.
I was just trying to protect you.
Só estava a tentar proteger-te.
I was just trying to protect you.
Só estava a tentar proteger-te.
I'm trying to do you a favour.
Estou tentando lhe fazer um favor.
I'm trying to figure out something.
Estou a tentar descobrir alguma coisa.
I am trying.
Estou tentando.
Are you trying to impress me?
Estás a tentar impressionar-me?
I'm not trying to control you.
Não estou a tentar controlar-te.
I'm not trying to control you.
Não estou a tentar controlar-te.
I was just trying to be friendly.
Só estava a tentar ser amigável.
I was just trying to impress you.
Só estava a tentar impressionar-te.
I was just trying to impress you.
Só estava a tentar impressionar-te.
I wasn't trying to hide anything.
Não estava a tentar esconder nada.
I'm just trying to help you here.
Só estou a tentar ajudar-te aqui.
I'm not trying to prove anything.
Não estou a tentar provar nada.
I'm trying not to make Tom angry.
Estou tentando não deixar Tom com raiva.
He was trying to find the guy who hit him on the head.
Ele estava a tentar encontrar o tipo que lhe bateu na cabeça.
I was trying to talk to you.
Estava a tentar falar contigo.
The firefighters are trying to bring the flames under control.
The firefighters are trying to bring the flames under control.