Meaning & Definition of word "Tine"






    • 1. A prong or sharp point on an implement or animal's antler.
      • Example: The fork has three tines that make it perfect for picking up food.
    • 2. A pointed projection on an implement, often used for piercing or lifting.
      • Example: Each tine of the pitchfork was designed to penetrate the hay easily.
    • 3. One of the sharp, pointed projections on the antlers of a deer.
      • Example: The hunter proudly displayed the impressive rack with multiple tines.


    Middle English, from Old English 'tīn', related to 'tuun' meaning point.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    fork with tines:

    A fork that has multiple pointed prongs.

    Related Words


    An implement with two or more prongs used for lifting food.


    A branch-like horn on the head of an adult male deer.

    Slang Meanings of tine

    Meaning: To mess with something in an ineffectual way.

    Example Sentence: Stop tining around and get to work.

    Meaning: To fork over money or resources.

    Example Sentence: If you want to join us, you need to tine up some cash.