

Meaning & Definition

a basin used for washing dishes or in which to prepare food, typically fitted with a faucet.
Please rinse the dishes in the sink before placing them in the dishwasher.
an area of low ground that collects water.
The sink, filled with rainwater, attracted a lot of wildlife.
to go down below the surface of a liquid; to submerge.
The boat began to sink after hitting the iceberg.
to fall or drop down to a lower level.
The temperature is expected to sink below freezing tonight.
to cause (something) to descend or be submerged.
They had to sink the anchor to keep the boat from drifting.


Old English 'sincan', meaning to sink or fall.

Common Phrases and Expressions

sink or swim:
To fail or succeed by one's own efforts.
sink into despair:
To become deeply sad or discouraged.
sink one's teeth into:
To start working on something with enthusiasm.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To fall asleep deeply.
After the long day, I just sank into my bed.
To lose or fail at something.
He sank in the final exam after not studying.