

Meaning & Definition

A base or support on which a statue, obelisk, or column is mounted.
The statue was placed on a marble pedestal in the center of the park.
A position in which someone or something is admired, respected, or valued.
The scientist was put on a pedestal by the community for her groundbreaking research.
A platform raised above the surrounding level.
The speaker stood on a pedestal to better address the large crowd.


From Latin 'pedestal', from 'pedes' meaning 'foot'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

put on a pedestal
To regard someone with great admiration or respect.

Related Words

The bottom support of anything.
The lowest load-bearing part of a building.

Slang Meanings

To elevate someone beyond their actual worth.
Stop putting him on a pedestal; he’s just a regular guy.
Idolizing someone or something.
She’s always pedestalizing celebrities, as if they are perfect.