As there are many absentees because of the flu, we were told that from tomorrow the classes will be temporary closed for 3 days.
Como há muitos ausentes por causa da gripe, fomos informados de que a partir de amanhã as aulas serão temporariamente fechadas por 3 dias.
I was vaccinated against the flu.
Fui vacinado contra a gripe.
He's in bed with flu.
Ele está na cama com gripe.
I was in bed with the flu.
Estava na cama com gripe.
I have the flu and I'm tired.
Estou gripado e cansado.
I've caught the flu.
já apanhei gripe.
Jim has been laid up with flu for three days.
Jim está gripado há três dias.
A serious form of flu prevails throughout the country.
Uma forma grave de gripe prevalece em todo o país.