Tom filled up the bottle with cold water.
Tom encheu a garrafa com água fria.
He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
Aquele que nada sabe está mais próximo da verdade do que aquele cuja mente está cheia de falsidades e erros.
There were many ambulances filled with gunshot victims.
Havia muitas ambulâncias cheias de vítimas de tiros.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place a container filled with liquids on top of the console.
Para evitar risco de incêndio ou choque, não coloque um recipiente cheio de líquidos no topo do console.
He is a man whose heart is filled with hope.
Ele é um homem cujo coração está cheio de esperança.
Tom filled the box with food.
Tom encheu a caixa com comida.
Tom filled the bathtub with hot water.
Tom encheu a banheira com água quente.
Tom filled the bucket with cold water.
Tom encheu o balde com água fria.
Tom filled the wheelbarrow with sand.
Tom encheu o carrinho de mão com areia.
Tom filled his glass with water.
Tom encheu o copo dele com água.
The balloon is filled with air.
O balão está cheio de ar.
My colleague filled in for me while I was sick.
Meu colega substituiu-me enquanto EU estava doente.
The sky was filled with stars.
O céu estava cheio de estrelas.
She filled her bag with apples.
Ela encheu a bolsa com maçãs.
Her eyes were filled with tears.
Seus olhos estavam cheios de lágrimas.
I filled the bucket with water.
Enchi o balde com água.
The park is filled with children.
O parque está cheio de crianças.
The basket was filled with strawberries.
A cesta estava cheia de morangos.
The basket was filled with strawberries.
A cesta estava cheia de morangos.
The bottle was filled with what looked like sand.
A garrafa estava cheia do que parecia ser areia.