

Meaning & Definition

An expression of good wishes at parting.
They said their farewells at the airport before she departed.
A goodbye or parting.
The farewell party was filled with laughter and tears.
To say goodbye to someone.
She will farewell her colleagues before moving to a different city.
An expression used to convey goodbye.
Farewell, my friends, until we meet again!


From Middle English, a contraction of 'fare well', meaning to travel well or to be in well condition when departing.

Common Phrases and Expressions

farewell party:
A gathering held to say goodbye to someone.
farewell address:
A speech given when leaving a position, often expressing gratitude and reflections.
until we meet again:
A phrase often used to signify goodbye with hope of future reunion.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Catch you later
When I left the party, I just said, 'Catch you later!'
See ya!
As we parted ways, I waved and said, 'See ya!'
Peace out
He threw up a peace sign and said, 'Peace out!' before walking away.