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Translation meaning & definition of the word "chitchat" into Portuguese language

Significado de tradução & definição da palavra "chitchat" para a língua portuguesa





1. Light informal conversation for social occasions

  • chitchat
  • ,
  • chit-chat
  • ,
  • chit chat
  • ,
  • small talk
  • ,
  • gab
  • ,
  • gabfest
  • ,
  • gossip
  • ,
  • tittle-tattle
  • ,
  • chin wag
  • ,
  • chin-wag
  • ,
  • chin wagging
  • ,
  • chin-wagging
  • ,
  • causerie

1. Conversa informal leve para ocasiões sociais

  • bate-papo
  • ,
  • bate-papo chit
  • ,
  • conversa fiada
  • ,
  • gab
  • ,
  • gabfest
  • ,
  • fofoca
  • ,
  • tittle-tattle
  • ,
  • queixo wag
  • ,
  • chin-wag
  • ,
  • queixo abanando
  • ,
  • abanar o queixo
  • ,
  • causador


1. Talk socially without exchanging too much information

  • "The men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
  • chew the fat
  • ,
  • shoot the breeze
  • ,
  • chat
  • ,
  • confabulate
  • ,
  • confab
  • ,
  • chitchat
  • ,
  • chit-chat
  • ,
  • chatter
  • ,
  • chaffer
  • ,
  • natter
  • ,
  • gossip
  • ,
  • jaw
  • ,
  • claver
  • ,
  • visit

1. Fale socialmente sem trocar muita informação

  • "Os homens estavam sentados no café e atirando a brisa"
  • mastigue a gordura
  • ,
  • atire a brisa
  • ,
  • bate-papo
  • ,
  • confabular
  • ,
  • confab
  • ,
  • tagarelar
  • ,
  • chaffer
  • ,
  • tagarela
  • ,
  • fofoca
  • ,
  • mandíbula
  • ,
  • claver
  • ,
  • visita