Meaning & Definition of word "Bullying"






    • 1. The act of intimidating or mistreating someone, often repeatedly, to exert power or control over them.
      • Example: Bullying in schools can lead to serious emotional issues for students.
    • 2. Behavior characterized by the use of force, threats, or coercion to dominate or intimidate others.
      • Example: The workplace bullying caused several employees to resign.
    • 3. A repeated aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or relational, directed towards someone perceived as weaker.
      • Example: Cyber bullying has become a major concern among teenagers.


    • 1. To subject someone to cruel treatment or intimidation.
      • Example: He was bullying his classmates by regularly mocking them in front of others.
    • 2. To force someone to do something through threats or intimidation.
      • Example: She felt pressured and bullied into signing the contract without reading it.


    The term 'bully' was originally a term of endearment in the 16th century, derived from the Dutch 'boel', meaning 'lover or brother'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    school bullying:

    Bullying that occurs in educational settings.

    workplace bullying:

    Bullying that takes place in a work environment.


    Bullying that occurs through digital means, such as the internet or mobile devices.

    Related Words


    To subject someone to aggressive pressure or intimidation.


    To frighten or overawe someone, especially in order to make them act.


    A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event.

    Slang Meanings of bullying

    Meaning: Throwing shade

    Example Sentence: She's been throwing shade at him for weeks, it's basically bullying.

    Meaning: Hazing

    Example Sentence: The initiation process involved some serious hazing that crossed into bullying.