"Thank you for biting me," I told my cat.
"Obrigado por me morder", disse ao meu gato.
I have a bad habit of biting my nails.
Tenho o mau hábito de roer as unhas.
In the cemetery, there is a statue of a snake biting its own tail.
No cemitério, há uma estátua de uma cobra mordendo o próprio rabo.
Tom has the habit of biting his nails.
Tom tem o hábito de morder as unhas.
Stop biting your nails.
Pare de morder as unhas.
Stop biting your nails.
Pare de morder as unhas.
She has a habit of biting her nails.
Ela tem o hábito de morder as unhas.
He has a habit of scratching his back and biting his nails.
Ele tem o hábito de coçar as costas e morder as unhas.
You must get rid of the habit of biting your nails.
Você deve se livrar do hábito de morder as unhas.