Meaning & Definition of word "Truce"






    • 1. An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting for a certain time.
      • Example: The two countries declared a truce to allow for humanitarian aid to be delivered.
    • 2. A pause in hostilities, often temporary and indicative of a willingness to negotiate.
      • Example: After months of conflict, a truce was finally reached during the peace talks.
    • 3. A cessation of hostilities; an arrangement to stop fighting.
      • Example: The warring factions agreed to a truce to discuss potential terms for peace.


    Middle English, from Old French 'trusse', meaning 'to pull tight or draw together'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    truce talks:

    Negotiations aimed at reaching a truce.

    peace truce:

    An agreement aimed at establishing long-term peace.

    declare a truce:

    To formally announce an intention to cease hostilities.

    Related Words


    A formal agreement to stop fighting, typically during war.


    A state of tranquility or quietness.


    A serious disagreement or argument.

    Slang Meanings of truce

    Meaning: A temporary peace or agreement, often in a lighthearted context.

    Example Sentence: We had a truce over who gets the last piece of pizza.

    Meaning: An implicit understanding to avoid conflict for a time.

    Example Sentence: Let’s call a truce until we get through finals week.