

Meaning & Definition

An extra item or substitute.
He always carries a spare in case of emergencies.
In bowling, a spare is when all the pins are knocked down using two rolls.
She bowled a spare in the third frame.
To give or use (something) in a restricted or limited way.
Can you spare some change for the bus?
To refrain from harming or killing.
The soldier spared the captured enemy's life.
Additional to what is usual or normal; not currently in use.
She kept a spare tire in the trunk of her car.
Excess; not needed.
He has a spare bedroom that he uses for guests.
Thin or lean; not elaborate.
The spare design of the room gave it a modern feel.


Middle English 'speren', from Old English 'spearwe', meaning to save, spare.

Common Phrases and Expressions

spare no effort:
To make every possible effort.
spare the rod:
To refrain from punishment or discipline.
spare parts:
Extra components available for replacement or repair.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To let someone off easy.
He spared him a long lecture.
To give or lend something.
Can you spare a dime for me?