Meaning & Definition of word "Inconclusive"
- 1. Not leading to a decisive result or conclusion.
- Example: The evidence presented during the trial was inconclusive, leaving the jury uncertain about the verdict.
- 2. Lacking a clear outcome or finality.
- Example: The data from the experiment was inconclusive, prompting the researchers to conduct further tests.
- 3. Not resulting in a definitive answer.
- Example: The discussions between the two parties ended inconclusively, with no agreement reached.
- 4. Failing to provide a definite answer or result.
- Example: Her response was inconclusive, making it difficult for us to understand her true feelings.
From Latin 'in-' meaning 'not' and 'conclusus', the past participle of 'concludere', meaning 'to close, conclude'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
inconclusive evidence:
Evidence that does not provide a clear answer or conclusion.
inconclusive results:
Results that do not lead to a firm conclusion.
inconclusive debate:
A debate where no definitive conclusion is reached.
Related Words
Leading to a definite result or conclusion.
The final decision or judgment reached after consideration.
Slang Meanings of inconclusive
Meaning: Up in the air
Example Sentence: The project is still up in the air, we haven't reached any conclusions.
Meaning: No clear winner
Example Sentence: The election was a no clear winner; it was totally inconclusive.