

Meaning & Definition

A fully grown female animal of a domesticated breed of ox, used as a source of milk or meat.
The farmer sold several cows at the market.
A term used informally to refer to a large and heavy person or thing.
He called the old truck a cow because of its weight.
Used as a derogatory term for a woman, often implying that she is perceived as fat or unpleasant.
I can't believe she said that about her; that was such a cow thing to do.
To intimidate or bully someone.
He tried to cow his opponents into submission.


Middle English 'cou', from Old English 'cū', akin to Latin 'cūlus' (buttock).

Common Phrases and Expressions

cash cow:
A dependable source of income.
sacred cow:
Something considered immune from criticism or questioning.
The act of sneaking up on an unsuspecting cow and pushing it over for amusement.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To cow someone
He tried to cow me into doing his homework.
Don't be such a cow; stand up for yourself!