Translation of "Wrestle" into Malay
Wrestle / Gusti
I know how to wrestle a pig.
Saya tahu bagaimana untuk bertumbuk babi.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 They love to wrestle with each other.
Mereka suka bergaduh antara satu sama lain.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Those expectations are difficult to reconcile with the need to slow down and wrestle with existing securities rules and regulations, and the confusion and expense that come from learning about them and complying with them.
Harapan mereka sukar untuk diselaraskan dengan keperluan untuk melambatkan dan bergelut dengan peraturan dan peraturan sekuriti sedia ada, dan kekeliruan dan perbelanjaan yang datang dari belajar tentang mereka dan mematuhi mereka.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 If you wrestle with a police officer you should come out the winner.
Jika anda bergelut dengan seorang pegawai polis anda perlu keluar pemenang.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Because of our Lutheran theological perspective, we want you to also wrestle with these big questions as you work through your four years at Wartburg.
Kerana perspektif teologi Lutheran kami, kami mahu anda juga bergelut dengan soalan-soalan besar seperti yang anda bekerja melalui empat tahun di Wartburg.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 I am just really grateful to be amongst this fraternity of people, amongst this fraternity of artists who have the good fortune of getting to deal and wrestle with the human condition and trying to do that responsibly, he said.
Saya sangat bersyukur kerana berada di kalangan fraterniti manusia ini, di kalangan fraterniti artis ini yang bernasib baik kerana berpeluang untuk menangani dan bergelut dengan keadaan manusia dan cuba melakukannya dengan bertanggungjawab, katanya.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The Dutch still received threats from outsiders and locals in a bid to wrestle back the city of Melaka.
Pihak Belanda masih menerima tentangan luar dan rakyat tempatan dalam usaha merampas kembali Kota Melaka.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1