Translation of "Withers" into Malay
Withers / Layu
128:6 Let them be like grass on the rooftops, which withers before it can be pulled up.
128:6 Biarlah mereka seperti rumput di bumbung, yang layu sebelum ia boleh ditarik ke atas.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Height at withers to 157 cm (higher than Altai).
Ketinggian pada layu hingga 157 cm (lebih tinggi daripada Altai).
Data source: CCAligned_v1 A scent hound 22-23 inches high at the withers, weighing anything between 55 and 65 pounds, it is a well constructed dog with a slow graceful gait.
Anjing pemburu bau yang setinggi 22-23 inci pada paras kelasa, seberat antara 55 dengan 65 paun, ia merupakan anjing yang terbina dengan baik dengan gaya jalan cantik dan perlahan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Females weigh between 35 and 50 pounds and are 20 to 22 inches high at the withers, while males weigh 45 to 60 pounds and reach 21 to 23 1/2 inches high, according to the AKC.
Wanita betina antara 35 hingga 50 pon dan 20 hingga 22 inci tinggi di layu, manakala lelaki berat 45 hingga 60 pon dan mencapai 21 hingga 23 1/2 inci tinggi, menurut AKC.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 A delicate English rose withers in the outback.
Sekuntum mawar Inggeris yang cantik layu di daerah pedalaman.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 My city withers and must be fed.
Rakya saya merana dan mesti diberi makan.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 German Kurzhaar can not be too large or small and must comply with the above parameters at the withers.
Kurzhaar Jerman tidak boleh terlalu besar atau kecil dan harus mematuhi parameter di atas pada layu.
Data source: CCAligned_v1