Sooner or later secrets become widely known.
Lambat laun rahsia diketahui secara meluas.
Goethe's poem "Mignon" is widely read in Japan in Mori Ogai's excellent translation.
Puisi Goethe "Mignon" dibaca secara meluas di Jepun dalam terjemahan cemerlang Mori Ogai.
This book is widely available in libraries.
Buku ini boleh didapati secara meluas di perpustakaan.
Iron is the most widely used metal.
Besi adalah logam yang paling banyak digunakan.
His novels, having been translated into English, are widely read in America.
Novel-novelnya, setelah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggeris, dibaca secara meluas di Amerika.
He yawned widely.
Dia menguap lebar-lebar.
His theory is widely accepted as valid.
Teorinya diterima secara meluas sebagai sah.
The impact of Emmet's theory on physics has been widely discussed, but this is not my concern in this paper.
Kesan teori Emmet terhadap fizik telah dibincangkan secara meluas, tetapi ini bukan kebimbangan saya dalam kertas ini.
This magazine is widely read.
Majalah ini dibaca secara meluas.
These two are widely different from each other.
Kedua-duanya berbeza secara meluas antara satu sama lain.
This magazine is widely read.
Majalah ini dibaca secara meluas.
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