Translation of "Wacky" into Malay
Wacky / Gila
Only Hotel Mario was released; super Mario's Wacky Worlds and Mario Takes America were eventually cancelled.
Hanya Hotel Mario yang dilancarkan; wacky Worlds Super Mario dan Mario Takes America akhirnya dibatalkan.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Super Mario's Wacky Worlds is a cancelled video game planned for the CD-i, developed by NovaLogic, which attempted to duplicate the gameplay of Super Mario World.
Super Mario's Wacky Worlds adalah permainan video yang dibatalkan yang dirancang untuk CD-i, yang dikembangkan oleh NovaLogic, yang berusaha menduplikasi permainan Super Mario World.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Japanese company Neurowear has invented an innovative and wacky set of furry cat ears that help you express a state of mind without having to say a word.
Neurowear, sebuah syarikat Jepun telah mencipta satu set yang inovatif dan aneh iaitu telinga kucing berbulu yang membantu anda menyatakan keadaan akal fikiran tanpa perlu berkata-kata.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Adi, first you do not know where the wacky title, videotutorialului in browser security, we can see the characters passwords under the stars because you actually introduce a niche insecurity aaa, the easiest is to install a well hidden keylogger if you have access to compounded 5 minutes to put your spot: it's my opinion and should not mind.
Adi, pertama anda tidak tahu di mana tajuk aneh, videotutorialului dalam keselamatan pelayar, kita dapat melihat watak-watak kata laluan di bawah bintang kerana anda sebenarnya memperkenalkan selamat niche aaa, yang paling mudah adalah untuk memasang baik tersembunyi keylogger jika anda mempunyai akses kepada dikompaun minit 5 untuk meletakkan tempat anda: itu pendapat saya dan tidak perlu minda.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Three games were planned for development by Philips Interactive Media for use on its CD-i machine: Super Mario's Wacky Worlds, Hotel Mario, and Mario Takes America.
Tiga permainan dirancang untuk dikembangkan oleh Philips Interactive Media untuk digunakan pada mesin CD-i: Super Mario's Wacky Worlds, Hotel Mario, dan Mario Takes America.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 And now your wacky memories are going to get us caught.
Dan sekarang ingatan pelik awak akan menyebabkan kita ditangkap.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018