Translation of "Veracity" into Malay
Veracity / Kebenaran
- accuracy
- genuineness
- honesty
- truthfulness
There is often lively debate among compilers of repertories and practitioners over the veracity of a particular inclusion.
Sering ada perdebatan meriah di kalangan pengumpul repertories dan pengamal atas kebenaran rangkuman tertentu.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 A representative from the agency’s Xinjiang office confirmed the documentation’s veracity to Quartz but declined to comment further.
Seorang wakil dari pejabat Xinjiang agensi mengesahkan kebenaran dokumentasi untuk Kuarza tetapi enggan mengulas lanjut.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 This belief in the perceptual veracity of what we see is called naive realism.
Kepercayaan dalam kebenaran persepsi daripada apa yang kita lihat dipanggil realisme naif.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The investigation must consider the veracity of the documents published by the newspaper to support their actions.
Siasatan mesti mengambil kira kesahihan dokumen yang telah disiarkan bagi menyokong tindakan akhbar tersebut.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Please note: our bank information is keeping same without any change (the same beneficiary name and account number), if you receive email with bank information changes or amendments from any person under our company name, normally it’s illegal or unauthentic, please contact us by phone or fax to double check its veracity.
Sila ambil perhatian: maklumat bank kami tetap sama tanpa sebarang perubahan (nama penerima dan nombor akaun yang sama), jika anda menerima e-mel dengan perubahan maklumat bank atau pindaan dari mana-mana orang di bawah nama syarikat kami, biasanya ia tidak sah atau tidak sah, sila hubungi kami telefon atau faks untuk memeriksa semula kebenarannya.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Although South Korean media shared news hinting at the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic to North Korea, the WHO denied the veracity of such claims.
Walaupun media Korea Selatan berkongsi berita yang membayangkan penyebaran wabak COVID-19 ke Korea Utara, pihak WHO menafikan kebenaran tuntutan tersebut.
Data source: ELRC_2922_v1 (d) there is reasonable doubt about the veracity or adequacy of previously obtained customer identification data.
(d) terdapat keraguan yang munasabah mengenai kebenaran atau kecukupan data pengenalan pelanggan yang diperoleh sebelumnya.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1