Today's math class was more interesting than usual.
Kelas matematik hari ini lebih menarik daripada biasa.
Tom looks happier than usual.
Tom kelihatan lebih gembira daripada biasa.
You look happier than usual.
Anda kelihatan lebih gembira daripada biasa.
As usual, I mispronounced words and broke my sentences up in the wrong places.
Seperti biasa, saya tersalah sebut perkataan dan memecahkan ayat saya di tempat yang salah.
Tom arrived earlier than usual yesterday.
Tom tiba lebih awal daripada biasa semalam.
What is the usual cause for the pain?
Apakah punca biasa kesakitan?
They're late, as usual.
Mereka lambat, seperti biasa.
I'll meet you at the usual time.
Saya akan jumpa awak pada waktu biasa.
The phone rang while I was taking a bath, as usual.
Telefon berdering semasa saya mandi, seperti biasa.
She is in a temper, because she missed her usual train in the subway and had to walk to work.
Dia marah, kerana dia terlepas kereta api biasa di kereta bawah tanah dan terpaksa berjalan kaki ke tempat kerja.
As usual, Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon.
Seperti biasa, Mike lewat ke mesyuarat petang tadi.
We give here a list of the usual Esperanto-related questions.
Kami memberikan di sini senarai soalan biasa berkaitan Esperanto.
Same as usual.
Sama seperti biasa.
The policeman was on his usual nightly round.
Anggota polis itu berada di pusingan biasa setiap malam.
As usual with young girls, Alice loves chocolate.
Seperti biasa dengan gadis muda, Alice suka coklat.
She arrived late as usual.
Dia tiba lewat seperti biasa.
He paid double the usual fare.
Dia membayar dua kali ganda tambang biasa.
He is his usual self.
Dia adalah dirinya yang biasa.
He got up earlier than usual this morning.
Dia bangun lebih awal daripada biasa pagi tadi.
He came home later than usual.
Dia pulang lewat dari biasa.
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