Translation of "Unattractive" into Malay
Unattractive / Tidak menarik
- ugly
- unappealing
- uninviting
- unsightly
- displeasing
While an LLC can of course reward its employees by offering the employees membership interest in the LLC, the equity compensation process is relatively awkward and may be more unattractive to employees than the stock option in a corporation.
Walaupun LLC tentu dapat memberi ganjaran kepada para pekerjanya dengan menawarkan kepentingan keahlian pekerja di LLC, proses pampasan ekuiti agak canggung dan mungkin lebih tidak menarik kepada pekerja daripada pilihan saham dalam pilihan saham insentif korporat.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Decorative material is completely unattractive for insect pests, fungus and mold.
Bahan hiasan benar-benar tidak menarik bagi serangga perosak, kulat dan acuan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Smoking causes problems like unattractive and bad breath and stained teeth.
Merokok menyebabkan masalah tidak menyenangkan seperti nafas berbau dan gigi berkarat.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 An unattractive smile can negatively effect your career success, according to 74% of the respondents.
Senyuman menarik yang negatif boleh mempengaruhi kejayaan kerjaya anda, mengikut 74% daripada responden.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Anne proved a dull, unattractive woman and Henry declined to consummate the marriage.
Anne membuktikan dirinya seorang wanita tidak menarik dan membosankan dan Henry enggan untuk menyetubuhinya.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The Bad: Unattractive Renewal Rates: While FatCow's introductory prices are quite attractive, their regular rates are not so pocket-friendly.
The Bad: Kadar Pembaharuan yang Tidak Menarik: Walaupun harga pengenalan FatCow agak menarik, kadar tetap mereka tidak begitu mesra poket.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 She had never thought much about her looks, but she wondered if she was as unattractive as Ben Weatherstaff and she also wondered if she looked as sour as he had looked before the robin came.
Dia tidak pernah memikirkan tentang rupa beliau, tetapi dia tertanya-tanya jika dia seperti tidak menarik Ben Weatherstaff dan dia juga tertanya-tanya jika dia kelihatan seolah-masam kerana dia telah memandang sebelum robin datang.
Data source: QED_v2.0a