Translation of "Ulterior" into Malay
Ulterior / Tersembunyi
In short, women are able to trust the dating advice from gay male friends because they know their gay friends don’t have any ulterior motives: They’re not trying to hook up with them or compete with them for guys.
Pendek kata, wanita dapat mempercayai nasihat bertarikh daripada rakan lelaki gay kerana mereka tahu teman gay mereka tidak mempunyai motif tersembunyi: Mereka tidak cuba menyambung atau bersaing dengan mereka untuk lelaki.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Learn about Islam from those who are genuine, not from those with ulterior motives, she told FMT.
Pelajari Islam dari yang tulen, bukannya mereka yang ada motif tersembunyi, katanya kepada FMT.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Far from any admission of guilt or any ulterior motive, Ronaldo was advised to privately resolve the allegations against him in order to avoid the inevitable attempts that are now being made to destroy a reputation that has been built upon hard work, athleticism and honour.
Jauh daripada satu pengakuan bersalah atau sebarang motif dengan niat tersembunyi, Ronaldo dinasihatkan agar menyelesaikan segala dakwaan terhadapnya demi mengelakkan sebarang cubaan untuk memusnahkan reputasinya yang terbina di atas usaha keras, kesukanan dan kehormatan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Don't you think Lee had ulterior motives from the start?
Bukankah menurutmu Lee punya motif tersembunyi dari awal?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 He didn't have an ulterior motive, he didn't have an agenda.
Dia tidak mempunyai motif tersembunyi, beliau tidak mempunyai agenda.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Any ulterior changes will be announced on the official site of the Event.
Sebarang perubahan akan dimaklumkan di Laman Web rasmi acara.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Conan finds the four bombs in the attic of the ship and disarms them; he notes it was strange they used bombs and bacteria to hijack the ship and attempts to figure out their ulterior motive.
Conan mendapati empat bilik di loteng kapal dan disarms mereka; dia mencatatkan ia adalah aneh mereka menggunakan bom dan bakteria untuk merampas kapal dan cuba untuk memahami motif terselindung mereka.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1