Tray (Dulang)
Translation into Malay
Using the OneNote icon in the Windows system tray.
Menggunakan ikon OneNote dalam dulang sistem Windows.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Hide system tray icon when last wallet closes.
Sembunyikan ikon dulang sistem apabila wallet terakhir ditutup.
Data source: KDE4_v2 The Steel Cable Tray Forming Machine.
Mesin Pembentuk Baki Kabel Baja.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 Enter the text to be displayed in front of the time until the alarm, in the system tray tooltip.
Masukkan teks yang hendak dipaparkan di hadapan waktu sehingga penggera, dalam tooltip dulang sistem.
Data source: KDE4_v2 Policy for showing the system tray icon.
Dasar untuk memapar ikon dulang sistem.
Data source: KDE4_v2 Start the Wicd client without system tray icon.
Mulakan klien Wicd tanpa ikon talam sistem.
Data source: Ubuntu_v14.10 Unlock the door, put the tray on the table, lock the door again.
Buka pintu, letak dulang atas meja, kunci pintu semula.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Synonyms
- baking sheets
- containers
- dishes
- platters
- serving trays