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Translation meaning & definition of the word "topic" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "topik" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. The subject matter of a conversation or discussion

  • "He didn't want to discuss that subject"
  • "It was a very sensitive topic"
  • "His letters were always on the theme of love"
  • subject
  • ,
  • topic
  • ,
  • theme

1. Perkara perbualan atau perbincangan

  • "Dia tidak mahu membincangkan perkara itu"
  • "Ia adalah topik yang sangat sensitif"
  • "Surat-suratnya sentiasa bertemakan cinta"
  • subjek
  • ,
  • topik
  • ,
  • tema

2. Some situation or event that is thought about

  • "He kept drifting off the topic"
  • "He had been thinking about the subject for several years"
  • "It is a matter for the police"
  • topic
  • ,
  • subject
  • ,
  • issue
  • ,
  • matter

2. Beberapa situasi atau peristiwa yang difikirkan

  • "Dia terus melayang dari topik"
  • "Dia telah memikirkan subjek itu selama beberapa tahun"
  • "Ia adalah urusan polis"
  • topik
  • ,
  • subjek
  • ,
  • isu
  • ,
  • perkara

Examples of using

Let's change the topic.
Mari tukar topik.
The topic is happiness.
Topiknya ialah kebahagiaan.
This topic is appealing to many.
Topik ini menarik minat ramai.