Translation of "Tiptoe" into Malay
Tiptoe / Jari kaki
11. Together, they wrote and recorded the song Barefoot and Tiptoe under the name The Sweetshop, erroneously believed to have been from A Teenage Opera.
11. Bersama-sama, mereka menulis dan merakamkan lagu Barefoot dan Tiptoe di bawah nama The Sweetshop yang, tersilap dipercayai telah dari A Teenage Opera.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 3. The girl has to "tiptoe" so as not to annoy a man.
3. Gadis itu harus "berjalin" supaya tidak mengganggu seorang lelaki.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The light in the living room was turned off only late at night, and now it was easy to establish that his parents and his sister had stayed awake all this time, for one could hear clearly as all three moved away on tiptoe.
Cahaya di ruang tamu telah dimatikan hanya pada lewat malam, dan kini ia mudah untuk menubuhkan bahawa ibu bapa dan kakaknya telah tinggal berjaga sepanjang masa ini, untuk satu boleh mendengar dengan jelas kerana semua tiga berpindah pada hujung jari kaki.
Data source: QED_v2.0a When the violin started playing, they became attentive, got up, and went on tiptoe to the hall door, at which they remained standing pressed up against one another.
Apabila biola mula bermain, mereka menjadi tumpuan, bangun, dan pergi hujung jari kaki ke pintu dewan, di mana mereka kekal berdiri ditekan terhadap seorang lain.
Data source: QED_v2.0a