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Translation meaning & definition of the word "thickly" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "tebal" ke dalam bahasa Melayu



[Me trashë]


1. Spoken with poor articulation as if with a thick tongue

  • "After a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly"
  • thickly

1. Dituturkan dengan artikulasi yang lemah seolah-olah dengan lidah yang tebal

  • "Selepas beberapa minuman dia mula bercakap tebal"
  • me rrjedhje

2. In a concentrated manner

  • "Old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built"
  • "A thickly populated area"
  • densely
  • ,
  • thickly

2. Secara tertumpu

  • "Rumah lama selalunya padat sehingga mungkin tiga atau empat perlu dirobohkan untuk setiap yang baru dibina"
  • "Kawasan berpenduduk padat"
  • padat
  • ,
  • me rrjedhje

3. With a thick consistency

  • "The blood was flowing thick"
  • thickly
  • ,
  • thick

3. Dengan konsistensi yang tebal

  • "Darah itu mengalir tebal"
  • me rrjedhje
  • ,
  • tebal

4. With thickness

  • In a thick manner
  • "Spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface"
  • "We were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt"
  • thickly

4. Dengan ketebalan

  • Dengan cara yang tebal
  • "Sebarkan 1/4 lb marjerin lembut atau masak lemak dengan agak pekat ke seluruh permukaan"
  • "Kami melawat sebuah bandar kecil, berdinding tebal dan indah dengan pinggir yang terhuyung-hayang"
  • me rrjedhje

5. In quick succession

  • "Misfortunes come fast and thick"
  • thick
  • ,
  • thickly

5. Secara berturut-turut

  • "Malang datang cepat dan tebal"
  • tebal
  • ,
  • me rrjedhje

Examples of using

The fields lay thickly covered with snow.
Ladang-ladang itu terletak tebal dilitupi salji.
She spread honey thickly on her toast.
Dia menaburkan madu dengan pekat pada roti bakarnya.