Tom walked out of the courtroom, surrounded by reporters.
Tom berjalan keluar dari bilik mahkamah, dikelilingi oleh wartawan.
Tom walked into the courtroom, surrounded by police officers.
Tom masuk ke dalam bilik mahkamah, dikelilingi oleh pegawai polis.
"Sometimes it seems, Tom, that we're the only adequate people over here." "You're right, Mary. However sad it is, but we're surrounded by idiots only, and their ring is inexorably tightening."
"Kadang-kadang nampaknya, Tom, kami satu-satunya orang yang mencukupi di sini." "Awak betul, Mary. Walau bagaimanapun menyedihkan, tetapi kami dikelilingi oleh orang bodoh sahaja, dan cincin mereka mengetatkan tidak dapat dielakkan."
He sits at a table, surrounded by false friends and shameless women.
Dia duduk di meja, dikelilingi oleh kawan palsu dan wanita yang tidak tahu malu.
Master Ode, surrounded by the emperor's guards, continued fighting.
Master Ode, dikelilingi oleh pengawal maharaja, meneruskan pertempuran.
The building is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.
Bangunan ini dikelilingi oleh pagar kawat berduri.
We were surrounded.
Kami telah dikepung.
You're surrounded.
Anda dikelilingi.
An old man sat surrounded by his grandchildren.
Seorang lelaki tua duduk dikelilingi oleh cucu-cucunya.