Translation of "Superstition" into Malay
Superstition / Khurafat
Superstition and myths (spooky magic that could make people invincible).
Tahyul dan mitos (sihir menyeramkan yang boleh membuatkan orang kebal).
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Traditional Chinese Medicine: Science or Superstition?
Perubatan Tradisional Cina: Sains atau Takhayul?
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 In response to these needs, religious practices are carried out, but in a way that is simple and dignified, removing what can be seen as superstition.
Sebagai tindak balas terhadap keperluan ini, amalan keagamaan dijalankan, tetapi dengan cara yang mudah dan bermaruah, menghapus apa yang boleh dilihat sebagai tahyul.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The Iron Bank appreciates how you cast off the yoke of superstition, freeing the crown from elements who sought to subvert the rule of law.
The Iron Bank menghargai bagaimana anda membuang kuk tahyul, membebaskan mahkota dari unsur-unsur yang berusaha untuk menggulingkan kedaulatan undang-undang.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Writings attributed to him (Corpus hippocraticum, or "Hippocratic writings") rejected the superstition and magic of primitive "medicine" and laid the foundations of medicine as a branch of science.
Karya-karya yang dikatakan ditulisnya (Corpus hippocraticum, atau "Karya-karya Hippocrates") menolak kepercayaan karut dan kuasa ajaib "ubat" primitif dan mengasaskan perubatan sebagai satu cabang sains.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Isn't there an old superstition that says mirrors can capture spirits?
Bukankah ada amalan tahyul lama yang kata cermin boleh tangkap roh?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Feng Shui is neither a religion nor superstition.
Feng Shui bukan agama atau amalan spiritual.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1