Subjective (Subjektif)
Translation into Malay
And fashion’s a subjective thing.
Fashion ialah satu perkara yang subjektif.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Cause I think it's subjective, man.
Kerana saya fikir ia adalah subjektif, rakan.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Price and value are subjective.
Pakej percutian dan harga adalah subjektif.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The main methods of diagnosis: the definition of psychological portrait, anamnesis, laboratory tests, analysis of subjective complaints, measurement of blood pressure and pulse.
Kaedah diagnosis utama: definisi potret psikologi, anamnesis, ujian makmal, analisis aduan subjektif, pengukuran tekanan darah dan nadi.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Moral consciousness (. Contains a historically changing moral attitudes that represent the subjective side of morality category of morality lies at the heart of moral consciousness).
Kesedaran moral (. Mengandungi sikap moral sejarah berubah yang mewakili sebelah subjektif kategori moral moral pembohongan di tengah-tengah kesedaran moral).
Data source: CCAligned_v1 In my theory, language evolves in such a way that sounds match, correspond with, the subjective, with the personal, intuitive experience of the listener.
Dalam teori saya, bahasa berkembang dengan cara di mana bunyi serupa dengan subjektif, dengan pengalaman peribadi, gerak hati pendengar.
Data source: TED2020_v1 Short texts aiming to convey an image and a feeling, often a subjective one.
Teks pendek bertujuan untuk menyampaikan imej dan perasaan, kerap suatu yang subjektif.
Data source: CCAligned_v1