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Translation meaning & definition of the word "stronghold" into Malay language

Makna terjemahan & definisi perkataan "kubu kuat" ke dalam bahasa Melayu



[Kubu kuat]


1. A strongly fortified defensive structure

  • stronghold
  • ,
  • fastness

1. Struktur pertahanan yang kuat

  • kubu kuat
  • ,
  • kepantasan

Examples of using

That village is the enemy's last stronghold.
Desa itu adalah kubu terakhir musuh.
Although Iran is nowadays known for being a stronghold of Shia Islam, most Persian Muslims were Sunni until the XVth century.
Walaupun Iran sekarang terkenal sebagai kubu kuat Islam Syiah, kebanyakan Muslim Parsi adalah Sunni hingga abad XV.