Setiap kenyataan adalah palsu, begitu juga yang ini!
Tom's statement is pure nonsense.
Kenyataan Tom adalah karut semata-mata.
Neither statement is true.
Kedua-dua kenyataan itu tidak benar.
They issued a statement saying that the rumors regarding their divorce were complete nonsense. And yet, there's no smoke without fire.
Mereka mengeluarkan kenyataan mengatakan bahawa khabar angin mengenai perceraian mereka adalah karut sama sekali. Namun, tiada asap tanpa api.
Read your statement before you sign it.
Baca kenyataan anda sebelum anda menandatanganinya.
That statement is incorrect.
Kenyataan itu tidak betul.
Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
Aristotle berpendapat bahawa wanita mempunyai gigi yang lebih sedikit daripada lelaki; walaupun dia telah berkahwin dua kali, dia tidak pernah terfikir untuk mengesahkan kenyataan ini dengan memeriksa mulut isteri-isterinya.
I doubt the truth of his statement.
Saya meragui kebenaran kenyataan beliau.
The Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow.
Perdana Menteri akan membuat kenyataan esok.
Her statement was false.
Kenyataannya adalah palsu.
They agreed on a joint statement.
Mereka bersetuju dengan kenyataan bersama.
His statement was based on the fact.
Kenyataan beliau adalah berdasarkan fakta.
I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement.
Saya mula meragui ketepatan kenyataannya.
Do you believe the witness's statement?
Adakah anda percaya kenyataan saksi?
After the summit, President Mitterand said that he dissociated himself from the statement.
Selepas sidang kemuncak itu, Presiden Mitterand berkata bahawa dia memisahkan dirinya daripada kenyataan itu.
The statement imported that changes were necessary.
Kenyataan itu mengimport bahawa perubahan adalah perlu.