The spider is spinning a web.
Labah-labah sedang memutar sarang.
The spider spun a web.
Labah-labah itu memutar sarang.
This house is full of spider webs.
Rumah ini penuh dengan sarang labah-labah.
Tom killed the spider.
Tom membunuh labah-labah itu.
What should you do if you find a big spider on your bed?
Apakah yang perlu anda lakukan jika anda menemui labah-labah besar di atas katil anda?
Does this spider bite?
Adakah labah-labah ini menggigit?
There's a huge spider in the room! Quick, exterminate it!
Terdapat labah-labah besar di dalam bilik! Cepat, hapuskan!
When the frame is finished, the spider fixes lines of silk across it, just like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
Apabila bingkai selesai, labah-labah membetulkan garisan sutera di atasnya, sama seperti jejari roda basikal.
She froze at the sight of the big spider.
Dia terkaku melihat labah-labah besar itu.
A big spider was spinning a web.
Seekor labah-labah besar sedang memutar sarang.
I saw a spider walking on the ceiling.
Saya melihat seekor labah-labah berjalan di atas siling.
I am a hungry spider.
Saya labah-labah yang lapar.
Have you ever seen a spider spinning its web?
Pernahkah anda melihat labah-labah memutar sarangnya?
There the spider waits for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to be trapped.
Di sana labah-labah menunggu serangga kecil seperti rama-rama dan pepatung terperangkap.
I saw a spider walking on the ceiling.
Saya melihat seekor labah-labah berjalan di atas siling.
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