Translation of "Six" into Malay
Six / Enam
- half a dozen
- sixfold
Indeed your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then settled on the Throne, directing the command.
Sesungguhnya Tuhan kamu ialah Allah yang menjadikan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa kemudian Ia bersemayam di atas Arasy mentadbirkan segala urusan.
Data source: Tanzil_v1 Meanwhile, the remaining 143 passengers including a further six passengers from the same flight with the woman had been declared free from the virus and allowed to return into their respective countries.
Sementara itu, baki 143 penumpang termasuk enam lagi penumpang dari penerbangan yang sama dengan wanita itu telah diisytiharkan bebas daripada virus itu dan dibenarkan pulang ke negara masing-masing.
Data source: ELRC-3088-wikipedia_health_v1 Bag Art, this is Black Hawk Six.
Bag Art, ini Black Hawk Six.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Your Lord is God who created the heavens and the earth in six spans, then assumed His power, dispensing all affairs.
Sesungguhnya Tuhan kamu ialah Allah yang menjadikan langit dan bumi dalam enam masa kemudian Ia bersemayam di atas Arasy mentadbirkan segala urusan.
Data source: Tanzil_v1 You can melt this simply using hot water and then when it melts it's able to maintain one constant temperature for four to six hours at a time, after which you simply reheat the pouch.
Anda dengan mudah boleh mencairkannya menggunakan air panas dan apabila sudah cair, ia boleh kekal dalam satu tahap suhu sahaja selama empat hingga enam jam dalam satu-satu masa, selepas itu anda cuma panaskan semula kantung itu.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 Meteor Showers, by Sky and Telescope Meteor Streams Six Not-So-Famous Summer Meteor Showers Joe Rao ( The American Meteor Society The International Meteor Organisation.
Meteor Showers - Sky and Telescope Meteor Streams Six Not-So-Famous Summer Meteor Showers oleh Joe Rao ( The American Meteor Society The International Meteor Organisation.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Was it six months, or six years?
Adakah tiga bulan, adakah enam bulan?
Data source: CCMatrix_v1