Translation of "Shady" into Malay
Shady / Rendang
Business partners: General consumers, Shady Corporation, Tokyu Hands, resort hotels.
Rakan kongsi perniagaan: Pengguna umum, Shady Corporation, Tokyu Hands, hotel resort.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The method of storage: please place it in a dry and shady and cool place and avoid direct sunlight.
Kaedah penyimpanan: sila letakkan di tempat yang kering dan rindang dan sejuk dan elakkan cahaya matahari langsung.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The Shady Truth behind the Code Fibo Scam.
Shady Kebenaran di belakang Kod Fibo Penipuan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Storage: Keep away from fire and heat source;hermetically deposit;keep in shady, cool and dry.
Penyimpanan: Jauhkan dari api dan sumber panas; hermetically deposit; tetap teduh, sejuk dan kering.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 It’s truly in the depths of the of the dark web that things get shady - and oftentimes dangerous.
Ia benar-benar di kedalaman web gelap bahawa perkara-perkara menjadi teduh - dan seringkali berbahaya.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Get the patient to a shady area.
Pindah pesakit ke kawasan yang teduh.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 And with the increased availability of these options, you no longer need to turn to shady online stores and street drugs.
Dan dengan adanya peningkatan opsyen ini, anda tidak lagi perlu beralih kepada Kedai-kedai dalam talian yang rendang dan ubat-ubatan jalan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1