As a result of the car accident, the driver was severely injured, and the passanger died.
Akibat kemalangan kereta itu, pemandunya cedera parah, dan penumpang maut.
He must be severely punished.
Dia mesti dihukum berat.
She must be severely punished.
Dia mesti dihukum berat.
We must punish him severely.
Kita mesti menghukumnya dengan berat.
He severely criticized the mayor.
Dia mengkritik hebat Datuk Bandar.
The severely injured man was dead on arrival at the hospital.
Lelaki yang cedera parah itu meninggal dunia sebaik tiba di hospital.
This scandal has severely damaged the public image of our company.
Skandal ini telah merosakkan imej awam syarikat kami dengan teruk.
Do not punish the girl severely; go easy on her.
Jangan menghukum gadis itu dengan berat; bertenang padanya.
The teacher scolded his students severely.
Guru itu memarahi murid-muridnya dengan teruk.
Three persons were killed and ten were severely or slightly injured in the railway accident.
Tiga orang terbunuh dan sepuluh cedera parah atau sedikit dalam kemalangan kereta api itu.
I found a bird whose wing was severely damaged.
Saya menjumpai seekor burung yang sayapnya rosak teruk.
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