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IPA : /sɛvrəl/
The murder scene was still a hive of police activity several days after the man's body had been discovered.
Tempat kejadian masih menjadi sarang aktiviti polis beberapa hari selepas mayat lelaki itu ditemui.
After experiencing several acute psychotic episodes, Mary was admitted to a mental institution.
Selepas mengalami beberapa episod psikotik akut, Mary telah dimasukkan ke institusi mental.
I copied down several useful references on gardening.
Saya menyalin beberapa rujukan berguna tentang berkebun.
There were several couples on the beach.
Terdapat beberapa pasangan di pantai.
She worked for several hours.
Dia bekerja selama beberapa jam.
The plane has hit several air pockets.
Pesawat itu telah melanggar beberapa poket udara.
He also thought about the birches in the depths of the valley where, according to him, at a depth of several meters beneath the surface some moisture was hidden.
Dia juga memikirkan tentang birch di kedalaman lembah di mana, menurutnya, pada kedalaman beberapa meter di bawah permukaan beberapa kelembapan tersembunyi.
Every day you should at least listen to a short song, read a good poem, look at a beautiful picture, and, if possible, say several intelligent words.
Setiap hari anda harus sekurang-kurangnya mendengar lagu pendek, membaca puisi yang bagus, melihat gambar yang indah, dan, jika boleh, sebut beberapa perkataan yang bijak.
Tom wore a patch on his eye for several days.
Tom memakai tampalan pada matanya selama beberapa hari.
First, Tom read several passages from the Bible.
Pertama, Tom membaca beberapa petikan daripada Alkitab.
The torn dollar bill passed through several hands.
Bil dolar yang koyak itu melalui beberapa tangan.
I asked him several times, but he simply didn't reply.
Saya bertanya kepadanya beberapa kali, tetapi dia tidak menjawab.
The hot weather was followed by several days of rain.
Cuaca panas diikuti dengan hujan beberapa hari.
Mary divorced her husband several years ago.
Mary menceraikan suaminya beberapa tahun lalu.
The movie had to be cut in several places.
Filem itu terpaksa dipotong di beberapa tempat.
Tom cracked several jokes before beginning his speech.
Tom membuat beberapa jenaka sebelum memulakan ucapannya.
Tom composed that piece several years ago.
Tom mengarang karya itu beberapa tahun lalu.
Water bears several vital functions in a man's organism. It serves as a transport means for nutrients, regulates body temperature, and plays an important part in metabolism.
Air mempunyai beberapa fungsi penting dalam organisma manusia. Ia berfungsi sebagai alat pengangkutan untuk nutrien, mengawal suhu badan, dan memainkan peranan penting dalam metabolisme.
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