Obesity is considered by far the most serious health issue facing the developed world.
Obesiti dianggap sebagai isu kesihatan paling serius yang dihadapi oleh negara maju.
I didn't realize how serious the situation was.
Saya tidak menyedari betapa seriusnya keadaan itu.
If small mistakes are not corrected at once, they may lead to serious problems.
Jika kesilapan kecil tidak diperbetulkan sekaligus, ia boleh membawa kepada masalah yang serius.
There will be serious consequences.
Akan ada akibat yang serius.
Tom has acquired a serious opponent - John.
Tom telah memperoleh lawan yang serius - John.
"Interesting, why do ghosts only appear at night?" - "Really? I've seen them in the daytime" - "Are you serious?"
"Menarik, kenapa hantu hanya muncul pada waktu malam?" - "Betul ke? Saya telah melihat mereka pada waktu siang" - "Adakah anda serius?"
This could become a serious problem.
Ini boleh menjadi masalah yang serius.
We're in serious trouble.
Kami menghadapi masalah yang serius.
I wasn't being serious.
Saya tidak serius.
Tom became serious.
Tom menjadi serius.
The operation was very serious, but Tom came through.
Operasi itu sangat serius, tetapi Tom berjaya.
Don't think we're always serious.
Jangan fikir kita sentiasa serius.
Tom is serious now.
Tom serius sekarang.
That sounds serious.
Bunyinya serius.
It's not serious.
Ia tidak serius.
I'm dead serious.
Saya mati serius.
I'm completely serious.
Saya benar-benar serius.
I'm being serious.
Saya serius.
I wasn't serious.
Saya tidak serius.
I was serious.
Saya serius.
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