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Translation meaning & definition of the word "sale" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "jualan" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. A particular instance of selling

  • "He has just made his first sale"
  • "They had to complete the sale before the banks closed"
  • sale

1. Contoh tertentu penjualan

  • "Dia baru sahaja membuat jualan pertamanya"
  • "Mereka terpaksa menyelesaikan jualan sebelum bank ditutup"
  • jualan

2. The general activity of selling

  • "They tried to boost sales"
  • "Laws limit the sale of handguns"
  • sale

2. Aktiviti umum menjual

  • "Mereka cuba meningkatkan jualan"
  • "Undang-undang mengehadkan penjualan pistol"
  • jualan

3. An occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices

  • "They held a sale to reduce their inventory"
  • "I got some great bargains at their annual sale"
  • sale
  • ,
  • cut-rate sale
  • ,
  • sales event

3. Satu kesempatan (biasanya ringkas) untuk membeli pada harga yang dikurangkan khas

  • "Mereka mengadakan jualan untuk mengurangkan inventori mereka"
  • "Saya mendapat beberapa tawaran hebat pada jualan tahunan mereka"
  • jualan
  • ,
  • jualan kadar potong
  • ,
  • acara jualan

4. The state of being purchasable

  • Offered or exhibited for selling
  • "You'll find vitamin c for sale at most pharmacies"
  • "The new line of cars will soon be on sale"
  • sale

4. Keadaan boleh dibeli

  • Ditawarkan atau dipamerkan untuk dijual
  • "Anda akan menemui vitamin c untuk dijual di kebanyakan farmasi"
  • "Barisan kereta baharu akan dijual tidak lama lagi"
  • jualan

5. An agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer)

  • "The salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office"
  • sale
  • ,
  • sales agreement

5. Perjanjian (atau kontrak) di mana harta dipindahkan daripada penjual (vendor) kepada pembeli (vendee) dengan harga tetap dalam bentuk wang (dibayar atau dipersetujui untuk dibayar oleh pembeli)

  • "Jurujual itu menghantar faks perjanjian jualan ke pejabat rumahnya"
  • jualan
  • ,
  • perjanjian jualan

Examples of using

When are you holding a sale?
Bilakah anda mengadakan jualan?
"Here is the map! ...It's fucking useless!" "Then why did you purchase a faulty piece of shit in the first place?" "It was on sale at the Island of Lower Prices."
"Ini peta! ...Ia tidak berguna!" "Kalau begitu mengapa anda membeli sekeping najis yang rosak pada mulanya?" "Ia dijual di Pulau Harga Rendah."
These desks will be put up for sale this week.
Meja-meja ini akan dijual minggu ini.