As soon as you round the corner, you'll see the store.
Sebaik sahaja anda pergi ke sudut, anda akan melihat kedai.
I live here all year round now.
Saya tinggal di sini sepanjang tahun sekarang.
I need this to round out my collection.
Saya memerlukan ini untuk melengkapkan koleksi saya.
In what round was the boxer knocked out?
Dalam pusingan apakah peninju itu tersingkir?
They have a round table in the living room.
Mereka mempunyai meja bulat di ruang tamu.
Tom ordered another round of drinks.
Tom memesan satu lagi pusingan minuman.
Tom was eliminated in the second round of the contest.
Tom tersingkir pada pusingan kedua pertandingan itu.
Northern lights appear all year round in Greenland.
Lampu utara muncul sepanjang tahun di Greenland.
She turns him round her little finger anyways!
Dia memusingkan jari kelingkingnya pula!
Tom was knocked out in the tenth round.
Tom tersingkir pada pusingan kesepuluh.
Columbus suggested that the earth is round.
Columbus mencadangkan bahawa bumi adalah bulat.
It's summer all year round when I'm with you.
Ia adalah musim panas sepanjang tahun apabila saya bersama anda.
The bowl was perfectly round.
Mangkuk itu bulat sempurna.
This mountain is covered with snow all year round.
Gunung ini dilitupi salji sepanjang tahun.
I am round shouldered.
Saya berbahu bulat.
She had a little round object in her hand.
Dia mempunyai objek bulat kecil di tangannya.
She has a round face.
Dia mempunyai muka bulat.
He has a round face.
Dia mempunyai muka bulat.
Julien wears round glasses, like John Lennon.
Julien memakai cermin mata bulat, seperti John Lennon.
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