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Translation meaning & definition of the word "retaliate" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & takrif perkataan "retaliate" ke dalam bahasa Melayu



[Balas dendam]


1. Take revenge for a perceived wrong

  • "He wants to avenge the murder of his brother"
  • revenge
  • ,
  • avenge
  • ,
  • retaliate

1. Balas dendam atas kesalahan yang dirasakan

  • "Dia mahu membalas dendam atas pembunuhan abangnya"
  • dendam
  • ,
  • membalas dendam
  • ,
  • membalas

2. Make a counterattack and return like for like, especially evil for evil

  • "The empire strikes back"
  • "The giants struck back and won the opener"
  • "The israeli army retaliated for the hamas bombing"
  • retaliate
  • ,
  • strike back

2. Buat serangan balas dan kembali seperti untuk suka, terutamanya jahat untuk kejahatan

  • "Empayar menyerang balik"
  • "The giants membalas dan memenangi perlawanan pembukaan"
  • "Tentera israel bertindak balas atas pengeboman hamas"
  • membalas
  • ,
  • pukul balik

Examples of using

He might retaliate.
Dia mungkin membalas.