Translation of "Resentment" into Malay
Resentment / Kebencian
The described direction helps individuals overcome painful medical procedures, cope with the loss of previous abilities, fear of death, resentment of their own lives, depression due to serious illness, depression, anxiety.
Arah yang diterangkan membantu individu mengatasi prosedur perubatan yang menyakitkan, mengatasi kehilangan kebolehan sebelumnya, ketakutan kematian, kebencian terhadap kehidupan mereka sendiri, kemurungan akibat penyakit yang serius, kemurungan, kecemasan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Blaming others only causes feelings of resentment.
Menyalahkan orang lain hanya menimbulkan kebencian yang berkekalan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Our fatigue is often caused not by work but by worry frustration and resentment.
Keletihan kita sering disebabkan bukan oleh pekerjaan, tapi oleh kekhawatiran, frustasi, dan putus asa.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The overall crime rate in the Peninsula further fuelled resentment against the administration, which did little to curb crime and restore law and order.
Kadar jenayah keseluruhan di Semenanjung seterusnya menyemarakkan kebencian terhadap pentadbiran tersebut, yang tidak membendung jenayah dan memulihkan undang-undang dan keamanan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 This had caused deep resentment among many Sudeten Germans who wanted to be, together with the new republic of German Austria, united with Germany.
Ini telah menimbulkan kebencian mendalam dikalangan ramai rakyat Jerman Sudeten yang berkeras mahu, bersama dengan republik baru Austria Jerman, bersatu dengan Jerman.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The carmaker has increasingly switched to sourcing cheaper components from China, and let go of many small local distributors, stoking some resentment.
Syarikat pembuatan kereta itu semakin beralih kepada penyumberan komponen lebih murah dari China, dan melepaskan banyak pengedar kecil tempatan, menyebabkan rasa geram.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 I know the story that evil spirits born from the resentment, spite, and hatred, that lives on in your sword.
Saya tahu cerita bahawa roh jahat yang lahir dari kebencian, walaupun, dan kebencian, yang hidup di dalam pedang anda.
Data source: QED_v2.0a