Renovation (Pengubahsuaian)
Translation into Malay
Ordinary Renovation (includes only basic facilities).
Pengubahsuaian biasa (termasuk kemudahan asas sahaja).
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The venue was closed from 2006 to 2009 for renovation, and was reopened in April 2009.
Tempat itu ditutup dari tahun 2006 hingga 2009 untuk pengubahsuaian, dan dibuka semula pada bulan April 2009.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 International cooperation accelerates the renovation of technology and products.
Kerjasama antarabangsa mempercepatkan pengubahsuaian teknologi dan produk.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The last major renovation of the mosque occurred in 2000 when the original architectural language of the mosque was restored.
Pengubahsuaian utama masjid yang terakhir berlaku pada tahun 2000 apabila bahasa seni bina asal masjid telah dipulihkan.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Constantine greatly enlarged the city, and one of his major undertakings was the renovation of the Hippodrome.
Constantine sangat membesarkan bandar raya itu, dan salah satu usaha besarnya ialah pengubahsuaian Hippodrome.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Verifying structural reliability in new construction and renovation projects.
Mengesahkan kebolehpercayaan struktur projek-projek pembinaan dan pengubahsuaian yang baru.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Renovation costs could not be determined.
Anggaran kos membaiki tidak dapat ditentukan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Synonyms
- improvement
- restoration
- revamp
- remodeling
- revitalization