Protection (Perlindungan)
Translation into Malay
The Health Protection Agency of the Maldives confirmed two cases in the Maldives, both employees of the resort.
Agensi Perlindungan Kesihatan Maldives mengesahkan dua kes di Maldives, kedua-duanya adalah pekerja di resort berkenaan.
Data source: ELRC-3088-wikipedia_health_v1 It is a component of active fire protection.
Ia adalah komponen perlindungan kebakaran aktif.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 You offer protection, hope, light.
Kamu bawakan perlindungan, harapan dan sinar.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 With output over-current protection, short circuit protection, over-voltage protection, output voltage constant etc.
Dengan output over-current protection, perlindungan litar pintas, perlindungan voltan lebih tinggi, voltan output malar dll.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 2. With water shortage protection, leakage protection, over temperature protection, overpressure protection.
2. Dengan perlindungan kekurangan air, perlindungan kebocoran, lebih dari perlindungan suhu, perlindungan overpressure.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Women wore a jokduri on their wedding day and wore an ayam for protection from the cold.
Wanita memakai jokduri pada hari perkahwinan mereka dan memakai ayam untuk perlindungan dari kesejukan.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Exchange Online Protection provides protection against malicious links by scanning content.
Exchange Online Protection menyediakan perlindungan daripada pautan hasad dengan mengimbas kandungan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Synonyms
- defense
- preservation
- security
- shelter
- safeguarding