Translation of "Principality" into Malay
Principality / Pengetua
In essence, Menshikov, the most arrogant man he can imagine, contains a large courtyard, has immense wealth and large far-flung estates, not counting the Ingermanland Principality, despises everyone and enjoys the greatest favor of his sovereign.
Pada dasarnya, Menshikov, orang yang paling sombong dia dapat bayangkan, mengandungi sebuah halaman besar, mempunyai kekayaan yang besar dan ladang jauh yang luas, tidak menghitung Kepimpinan Ingermanland, menghina semua orang dan menikmati keunggulan besarnya.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 With the narrow streets of the Principality in Monaco being closed off to the public and traffic to become the most iconic race track in the world.
Dengan jalan-jalan sempit Principality di Monaco yang ditutup kepada orang ramai dan lalu lintas untuk menjadi trek perlumbaan yang paling ikonik di dunia.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The Slavic principality Carantania was formed in the 7th century.
Kerajaan Duchy Slavik Carantania telah ditubuhkan pada kurun ke-7.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Andorra Aviation Academy is located in Principality of Andorra.
Andorra Aviation Academy yang terletak di Principality of Andorra.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The narrow streets of the Principality in Monaco being closed off to the public and traffic, the event now transforms into the most iconic race track in the world.
Dengan jalan-jalan sempit Principality di Monaco yang ditutup kepada orang ramai dan lalu lintas untuk menjadi trek perlumbaan yang paling ikonik di dunia.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The Grand Duchy of Ostenburg, a strategically important principality on the border between the warring kingdoms of Burgundy and France.
Grand Kadipaten Ostenburg, strategik penting kerajaan di sempadan antara kerajaan-kerajaan berperang Burgundia dan Perancis.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 This is the first de facto recognition of the Principality of Sealand.
Ini adalah pengiktirafan pertama de facto Principality of Sealand.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1