Translation of "Priesthood" into Malay
Priesthood / Imam
11:27 And he confirmed him in the high priesthood and in all the other honors that he held before, and he made him the leader of his friends.
11:27 Dan beliau mengesahkan beliau dalam keimamatan tinggi dan dalam semua penghormatan lain yang dipegang oleh beliau sebelum, yang melantik dia menjadi pemimpin rakan-rakannya.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 14:47 And Simon accepted it, and he was pleased to perform the office of the high priesthood, and to be the commander and leader of the people of the Jews, and of the priests, and to be foremost over them all.
14:47 Dan Simon menerimanya, dan beliau gembira untuk melaksanakan jawatan imamat tinggi, dan menjadi komander dan pemimpin orang-orang Yahudi, dan para imam, dan menjadi sekali atas semuanya.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 That fact may well explain why the CMH is not found extensively outside of rabbinical populations when we know for an absolute fact that there was an extensive Levite population among the divisions of the priesthood in Israel.
Fakta itu memang boleh menjelaskan kenapa CMH tidak ditemui secara luas di luar populasi rabbinikal sedangkan kita tahu hakikat sebenarnya bahawa terdapat populasi Lewi luas di kalangan divisi-divisi keimamatan dalam Israel.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 This aid comes directly from the University, from contributions made by the Comillas-ICAI University Foundation, the Fund of Church Grants, the non-autonomous foundation for candidates to the priesthood and from other organizations and individuals.
Bantuan ini datang secara langsung dari Universiti, daripada sumbangan yang dibuat oleh Universiti Yayasan Comillas-ICAI, Kumpulan Wang Gereja Grants, yayasan itu bukan autonomi untuk calon-calon untuk keimamatan dan daripada organisasi dan individu lain.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Israel was taken from the judges and the priesthood, and given to the monarchy.
Israel telah diambil dari hakim-hakim dan imam, dan telah diberikan kepada.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The early consuls took over the roles of the king with the exception of his high priesthood in the worship of Jupiter Optimus Maximus at the huge temple on the Capitoline Hill.
Konsul-konsul awal mengambil alih peranan-peranan raja kecuali peranan sami besar yang menyembah Optimus Maximus Jupiter di kuil suci yang terletak di Bukit Capitoline.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 4:14 Do not be willing to neglect the grace that is within you, which was given to you through prophecy, with the imposition of the hands of the priesthood.
4:14 Tidak bersedia untuk mengabaikan rahmat yang ada di antara kamu, yang telah diberikan kepada anda melalui nubuatan, dengan pengenaan tangan keimamatan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1