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Translation meaning & definition of the word "presidential" into Malay language

Makna terjemahan & definisi perkataan "presiden" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. Relating to a president or presidency

  • "Presidential aides"
  • "Presidential veto"
  • presidential

1. Berkaitan dengan presiden atau presiden

  • "Pembantu presiden"
  • "Veto presiden"
  • presiden

2. Befitting a president

  • "Criticized the candidate for not looking presidential"
  • presidential

2. Sesuai dengan presiden

  • "Mengkritik calon kerana tidak kelihatan presiden"
  • presiden

Examples of using

The sum of the ignorance of the Republican candidates in the primaries for the U.S. presidential election is simply mind-boggling: one is afraid that China will obtain nuclear weapons, which they have had for 100 years, and the other proposes to close the U.S. embassy in Iran, which has been closed for 100 years... Such stupidity at the head of the world's most powerful country gives one the shivers!
Jumlah ketidaktahuan calon Republikan dalam pemilihan presiden A.S. hanya membingungkan: seseorang takut bahawa China akan memperoleh senjata nuklear, yang mereka miliki selama 100 tahun, dan yang lain mencadangkan untuk menutup kedutaan A.S. di Iran, yang telah ditutup selama 100 tahun... Kebodohan seperti itu di kepala negara paling berkuasa di dunia memberi seseorang yang menggigil!
Regrettably, he lacks the financial wherewithal to run a presidential campaign.
Malangnya, dia kekurangan kewangan untuk menjalankan kempen presiden.
The presidential election is not a beauty contest.
Pemilihan presiden bukanlah pertandingan kecantikan.