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Translation meaning & definition of the word "operational" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "operasi" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. Pertaining to a process or series of actions for achieving a result

  • "Operational difficulties"
  • "They assumed their operational positions"
  • operational

1. Berkaitan dengan proses atau siri tindakan untuk mencapai keputusan

  • "Kesukaran operasi"
  • "Mereka mengambil alih jawatan operasi mereka"
  • operacionale

2. Fit or ready for use or service

  • "The toaster was still functional even after being dropped"
  • "The lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable"
  • "An operational aircraft"
  • "The dishwasher is now in working order"
  • functional
  • ,
  • usable
  • ,
  • useable
  • ,
  • operable
  • ,
  • operational

2. Muat atau sedia untuk digunakan atau diservis

  • "Pembakar roti masih berfungsi walaupun selepas dijatuhkan"
  • "Pemotong rumput agak berkarat tetapi masih boleh digunakan"
  • "Pesawat operasi"
  • "Pencuci pinggan mangkuk kini berfungsi"
  • berfungsi
  • ,
  • boleh guna
  • ,
  • të operueshme
  • ,
  • operacionale

3. (military) of or intended for or involved in military operations

  • operational

3. (tentera) atau bertujuan untuk atau terlibat dalam operasi ketenteraan

  • operacionale

4. Being in effect or operation

  • "De facto apartheid is still operational even in the `new' african nations"- leslie marmon silko
  • "Bus service is in operation during the emergency"
  • "The company had several operating divisions"
  • operational
  • ,
  • in operation(p)
  • ,
  • operating(a)

4. Sedang berkuat kuasa atau beroperasi

  • "Apartheid de facto masih beroperasi walaupun di negara-negara afrika `baru'"- leslie marmon silko
  • "Perkhidmatan bas sedang beroperasi semasa kecemasan"
  • "Syarikat itu mempunyai beberapa bahagian operasi"
  • operacionale
  • ,
  • dalam operasi(p)
  • ,
  • operasi(a)