The shop won't be open for clients tomorrow.
Kedai tidak akan dibuka untuk pelanggan esok.
When Tom reached the front door, he noticed it was slightly open.
Apabila Tom sampai ke pintu depan, dia perasan pintu itu terbuka sedikit.
Tom began to undress, but then noticed that the curtain was open, so he went over to close it.
Tom mula menanggalkan pakaian, tetapi kemudian menyedari bahawa tirai terbuka, jadi dia pergi untuk menutupnya.
They open the door.
Mereka membuka pintu.
We open the door.
Kami membuka pintu.
You open the door.
Awak buka pintu.
"Hey, why is the window open?" "I just opened it to let in a little air. If you're cold, feel free to close it."
"Hei, kenapa tingkap terbuka?" "Saya baru sahaja membukanya untuk membiarkan sedikit udara masuk. Jika anda sejuk, jangan ragu untuk menutupnya."
The children spent a lot of time in the open air.
Kanak-kanak menghabiskan banyak masa di udara terbuka.
The exhibition will be open for a month.
Pameran akan dibuka selama sebulan.
It's possible to sneeze with your eyes open.
Anda boleh bersin dengan mata terbuka.
Mary asked Tom to open the wine bottle and then kissed him while he was busy.
Mary meminta Tom membuka botol wain dan kemudian menciumnya semasa dia sibuk.
Mary asked Tom to open the wine bottle and then kissed him while he was distracted.
Mary meminta Tom untuk membuka botol wain dan kemudian menciumnya semasa dia terganggu.
I don't want to open the window.
Saya tidak mahu membuka tingkap.
Are you open on Saturday?
Adakah anda buka pada hari Sabtu?
Is the door open?
Adakah pintu terbuka?
Is the park open to the public?
Adakah taman ini terbuka kepada orang ramai?
Is the road open?
Adakah jalan terbuka?
Is your offer still open?
Adakah tawaran anda masih dibuka?
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