Please don't blow your nose on the tablecloth.
Tolong jangan tiup hidung pada alas meja.
You shouldn't eat garlic before going out on a date.
Anda tidak boleh makan bawang putih sebelum keluar dating.
She worked on behalf of her family.
Dia bekerja bagi pihak keluarganya.
Tom's a beginner, but he catches on fast.
Tom seorang pemula, tetapi dia cepat menangkapnya.
There is a map on the wall.
Terdapat peta di dinding.
Japan is bounded by water on every side.
Jepun dibatasi oleh air di setiap sisi.
Something must have happened to him on the way.
Pasti ada sesuatu yang berlaku kepadanya dalam perjalanan.
Something must have happened to him on the way.
Pasti ada sesuatu yang berlaku kepadanya dalam perjalanan.
He came down the hill on his bicycle.
Dia menuruni bukit dengan basikalnya.
They often go on picnics by bicycle.
Mereka sering pergi berkelah dengan basikal.
Yumi plays tennis on Sunday.
Yumi bermain tenis pada hari Ahad.
By and large, reporters don't hesitate to intrude on one's privacy.
Pada umumnya, wartawan tidak teragak-agak untuk menceroboh privasi seseorang.
Please turn on the light.
Sila hidupkan lampu.
Please turn on the light.
Sila hidupkan lampu.
There is only one book on the desk.
Hanya ada satu buku di atas meja.
He got the highest grade on the exam.
Dia mendapat gred tertinggi dalam peperiksaan.
He got the highest grade on the exam.
Dia mendapat gred tertinggi dalam peperiksaan.
I'm in the habit of sleeping late on Sundays.
Saya mempunyai tabiat tidur lewat pada hari Ahad.
We were held up for two hours on account of an accident.
Kami ditahan selama dua jam kerana kemalangan.
I helped her hang the picture on the wall.
Saya membantunya menggantung gambar di dinding.
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