Translation of "Nebulous" into Malay
Nebulous / Samar-samar
There is significant overlap between the fields of neurology and psychiatry, with the boundary between the two disciplines and the conditions they treat being somewhat nebulous.
Pertindihan ketara berlaku antara bidang neurologi dan psikiatri, dengan sempadan antara dua disiplin dan keadaan yang mereka merawat menjadi agak samar.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Significant overlap occurs between the fields of neurology and psychiatry, with the boundary between the two disciplines and the conditions they treat being somewhat nebulous.
Pertindihan ketara berlaku antara bidang neurologi dan psikiatri, dengan sempadan antara dua disiplin dan keadaan yang mereka merawat menjadi agak samar.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Despite a nebulous economy, people are still willing to spend money on sex toys some of which are quite expensive [source: Varmus].
Walaupun ekonomi yang samar-samar, orang masih sanggup membelanjakan wang untuk mainan seks - sebahagiannya agak mahal [sumber: Varmus].
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Significant overlap occurs between the fields of neurology and psychiatry, with the boundary between the two disciplines and the conditions they treat being somewhat nebulous.
Pertindihan ketara berlaku antara bidang neurologi dan psikiatri, dengan sempadan antara dua disiplin dan keadaan yang mereka merawat menjadi agak samar.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The coma is the nebulous envelope around the nucleus of a comet, formed when the comet passes close to the Sun on its highly elliptical orbit; as the comet warms, parts of it sublimes.[1] This gives a comet a "fuzzy" appearance when viewed in telescopes and distinguishes it from stars.
Koma ialah sampul nebula yang mengelilingi nukleus komet, terbentuk apabila komet berlalu menghampiri Matahari pada orbit elipsnya yang tinggi; apabila komet menjadi hangat, sebahagian daripadanya memejalwap.[1] Ini memberikan komet satu penampilan yang "kabur" apabila dilihat melalui teleskop dan membezakannya dari bintang-bintang.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402